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The impacts of the pandemic are severe and have brought significant changes in the world we live in. There is a new normal and a new reality, and the industries have to learn to survive and adapt to this unimagined transformation. Some companies may struggle to keep up the pace, others may push their innovations to find an advantageous spot of profitability, but none would circumvent it. The telecommunication industry has leveraged many businesses to help ease in their continued existence in this rough time. Telecom companies equip businesses with capabilities to communicate, function and conduct business more effectively using the latest technologies like 5G, IoT, AI, etc. This industry has the potential in transforming the business models and value chains of companies in terms of their operations, competitive advantage creation, or developing scope for new opportunities for innovation. Therefore, Sonicorn has looked at some significant industry trends that are shaping and positioning companies to thrive in the coming years

• Though 5G has come with considerable controversy, it is gaining momentum and getting considered as an extremely important factor in the progress of the telecommunications industry at the moment. With 5G, the business’s processes and operations in the manufacturing, healthcare, farming, education, energy sectors will have real-time insights into its supply chains and will have complete control over its properties, assets, services, and products.

• By using capabilities of Artificial intelligence and machine learning, the telecom sector will encourage automation in its infrastructure operations to increase efficiency. Using high-speed 5G data readily available for AI and ML analysis, predictions such as peak traffic and congestion times, or lesser resource-utility hours can deliver immensely satisfying services and experience to the users and of course enhanced capability improvements to the networks. Furthermore, the networks can be highly proactive in detecting frauds, threats, and anomalies and could initiate countermeasure actions as early as possible. And not only that, AI has the capabilities to provide meaningful insights on customer actions and behavior, thus using those new opportunities, ideas for generating revenues could be constructed.

• As the telecom sector is already taking a strong cognizance of cloud and big data analytics in its investment portfolios, therefore Blockchain and other disruptive technologies will take the major share of investments.

• Demand for Smart home devices has been continually picking momentum and it has gone multifold in the pandemic especially. Now with 5G in action, data could be exchanged instantly at high speeds and that will push for the need for more IoT-enabled smart devices.

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